“ Girl Scouts of Western Washington is the premier leadership organization for Girls from Kindergarten through Seniors in High School! Using the ever growing opportunities afforded to our Girl Scouts, Girls can explore their world, their voice and their interests whatever they may be. During this time of safety protocols Girl Scouts moved online and have provided lots of program and activities at no cost. And can be used for the whole family! Check out the link for these offerings and more!”
Girl Scouts at Home Link – https://www.girlscoutsww.org/en/events/girl-scouts-at-home.html
“Troops are forming now for virtual starts and will be ready to meet in person as soon as we can safely do so. Thinking about, or ready to, lead a Girl Scout troop? Reach out to one of our experts to get your questions answered and/or start the ball rolling. Angela Lewis – alewis@girlscoutsww.org is your area’s representative and is happy to be of service!”
Customer Care – 1-800-541-9852
Register now! Link – https://www.girlscoutsww.org/en/about-girl-scouts/join.html